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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Speed Dating and Sweet Smells!

And so it came to pass at the Chicago Comic-Con that the Sachs and Violens Speed Dating Party hosted by George Pérez was held! All to launch the kickass Sachs and Violens perfume oil and cologne oil by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab! (Available now, like we even needed to mention that.)
George, as he was called this evening, "The Doctor of Love," was on hand to preside.
Who sez comics is 90% male and 35% body fat? We had an equal number of men and ladies! In yer face, stereotypes!

The Doctor himself walked the floor to make sure all was copacetic.
Annnnnd…team photo time! Best of our knowledge, no marriages nor proposals have come forth as yet, but you never know. Buy some of that wacky perfume oil. Ya might get lucky!

(And all glory and honor to Dangerous Dan Reilly of the mighty Wizard Entertainment, who provided the pics!)

Jim McLauchlin

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